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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Mehrdad Abdi and Henrique Rocha and Serge Demeyer},
  booktitle =     {Proceedings {IWST 2019} (International Workshop on
                   Smalltalk Technologies)},
  publisher =     {ESUG},
  title =         {Test Amplification in the Pharo Smalltalk Ecosystem},
  year =          {2019},
  abstract =      {Test amplification is the act of strengthening
                   existing unit-tests to exercise the boundary
                   conditions of the unit under test. It is an emerging
                   research idea which has been demonstrated to work for
                   Java, relying on the type system to safely transform
                   the code under test. In this paper we report on a
                   feasibility study concerning test amplification in
                   the context of the Smalltalk eco-system. We introduce
                   a proof-of-concept test amplifier named SmallAmp, and
                   discuss the advantages and challenges we encountered
                   while incorporating the tool into the Pharo Smalltalk
                   environment. We demonstrate that by building on top
                   of the Refactoring Browser API, the MuTalk mutation
                   tool, it is feasible to build a test amplifier in
                   Pharo Smalltalk despite the absence of a type
  annote =        {workshoppaper},
  url =           {

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